Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are you really an author?

Okay, so you may just say "no," and--good job, you know yourself! But if you like writing, and you write things sometimes, these are some pretty awesome questions that can tell you if you are officially an author. I think the guilt question is highest on my mind right now: I'm very dedicated to my writing routine, and running through the potatoes on our trip to Idaho distracted me. Plus my one-year-old turned two, and my husband turned older than two, all within the past four days. So...pretty much, I'm a writer. I answered yes to pretty much every question (I must admit that I like pens and notebooks more than stationary, but that's quibbling). And I DID write today (yay!) which feels so much better than not writing.

So take the test! Also, here is a pretty pen. I like to imagine it came from a raven. Oh, and I need to learn calligraphy some time, methinks...


  1. I read the article you posted. Sounds about right, 'personal dysfunction' especially. :)

    1. I thought that was especially apt, too! Although it does depend on my mood... :)

  2. I love that picture. I was busy with other things when I was young, and never had a desire to be a writer. Then computers appeared on the scene and writing became so easy and I became a part-time technical writer after I retired the first time. That meant having more fun at work than I ever had before. Now that I'm really retired, I just love to write my blog posts, my dog likes to write there too, I will leave it at that.

    1. Awesome! Fun at work is something everyone should try for. And I'm SO glad we have computers--typewriters were tricky beasts at best, even if they do sound really cool.

  3. I'm a WRITER. Good to know I haven't been wasting my time, lol. Hope you're good :0) (Haven't been on blogger for ages!)
