Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for Mandragora

Mandrakes are a real type of plant from the genus Mandragora. They have odd roots that branch off, often looking like little people. Every part of the mandrake is poisonous, so it's no wonder that stories surrounded them.

Mandragoras are supposed to be little demons given to sorcerers by the devil to serve the sorcerers in a time of need. The mandrake plant makes a famous appearance in Harry Potter, too, where it can cure petrification by a basklisk and kill people with its scream.


  1. I wonder why there isn't Womandrake? ;D

  2. And isn't it linked to fertility as well?
    Visiting as an A to Z blogger – participating with six very different blogs. (Not listing the links here, but you are welcome to click through my profile picture to find them, if you wish.) Happy A-to-Z!

    1. Wow--six blogs?! I can barely keep up with one!

      And yes, they're linked to fertility (like in the movie Pan's Labyrinth).

  3. Cool, I didn't realise the Harry Potter plant was based on a real one!
    Wagging Tales

    1. It's a pretty weird looking plant. I like it! Well, except for the poisonous part...

  4. I love the approach you've taken for the A to Z here. What fun drawings! Do you have a subject sorted out for each letter?

    1. I do each post the day before I post it. So I'm kind of making things up as I go...which is always interesting. And thanks for the compliments! :)

  5. Awesome picture! Cute and creepy at the same time. *Shudder*

  6. Interesting plant! It looks a lot like the ginseng root, which far from being poisonous, is used in Chinese medicine as a detoxifier and natural Viagra for men. 'Ginseng' is translated as 'man herb' as the root, like the mandrake, looks like a man.

    J.C. Martin
    A to Z Blogger
