Friday, March 2, 2012


An upcoming field trip that's been a nightmare to plan + a sadly low tax return + a toddler + a child who was throwing up but inexplicably had the energy to climb all over mommy's head all day = sleepy. Here is a clip of Muppets to make up for my lazy Friday posting:


  1. Aw, hope everything's better soon! At least things can't get worse....waiting for the inexplicable crash of thunder :0)

  2. I hope you little one is feeling better. My ten year old son has the flu and I am told he will be home from school for two weeks. He is doing better; we are on day five now.

    I am hopping around to read the entries for my "Get Fired Up" blogfest. I hope to announce then winners of the "help or mentor a fellow blogger" category and all of the random drawings on Monday. I hope your weekend gets better.

    Take care.

  3. Sophie: It's better. No thunder here. :)

    Wily: YAY!

    Melissa: Day five = yikes! And thanks for the blogfest--you take care, too!
